Dec 6, 2023Liked by Ann Richardson

I’m really enjoying your posts because they do a wonderful job of presenting a positive but realistic outlook on aging. Having recently turned 61, I’m starting to realize that I’m who other people are talking about when they talk about “senior citizens and the elderly.”

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Would I like to know when I will die? No, it would sound too much like a sentence of execution. But I can take refuge in a softer alternative. Since my father died at 87 and his father at 88, both of strokes, I tend to assume that will be my fate in my late 80s. But these things are not certain, so I might edge into my 90s.

The Thought for the Fortnight has triggered memories of chats to old friends way back when they were in their 60s, or perhaps 70s, and three of them said that they expect to exit in that decade since that is when their parents died. All three are now octogenarians (Octos, as I like to call us), and hoping there will be a few more years. The degree of uncertainty allows for a measure of relaxation. I sometimes like to cite the adage attributed to Marghanita Laski, that old age is a series of little treats. Yes, relax and allow yourself some more little treats.

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