This post truly resonates for me as I have always treasured my quiet alone moments . I seem to need this time to truly think deeply and hear my own voice . I love the day to day interactions with my partner and our habits and idiosyncrasies . He shares his thoughts with me throughout the day and I with him - yet we both treasure alone time . I agree with you/ a break in routine feels healthy and I notice when he’s away for a weekend my time seems flowing and endless ! We both travel alone thus far as we depend on the other to mind our pets - but this is typically quite rewarding also as we have more to share - and a revitalized appreciation of the other after time spent alone . As an artist I appreciate time for my mind to wander and to create in peace . Having alone and together time is a formula that works well for me as an individual - and for us as a couple :-)

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Funnily enough, your comment arrived while I was away alone (in Turin, staying with a very old friend) and now I have come back. It was the first time I have left my husband to go so far because he had a stroke three years ago and I wouldn't go anywhere that I couldn't get back from really quickly. It was an incredibly refreshing experience. It works for us, too. I can see you have read a number of my posts, but one of them is about having been married 60 years.

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Over the years I have discovered that I can’t write if there is someone else in the house. Writing is what I do. So coupledom has been relegated to the back burner. If I was a male writer I’d have married me a gentle person who loves me enough to keep a household functioning while I get on w writing

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Yes! I always feel like time apart recharges my relationship and makes me so much more delighted to spend time with my partner again 😄

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