Why subscribe to this newsletter?

We all lead busy lives. It is valuable, now and then, to take a moment out of our day-to-day preoccupations to think about something completely different.

This newsletter is designed to help you to do exactly that. Only once a fortnight, with short pieces (800-900 words), it offers a little breather – something stimulating, something amusing, perhaps something you never thought about before.

The Granny Who Stands on her Head is the title of my book about why I like being an older woman, now 82, and is also the title of this newsletter. I subtitle it Thought for the Fortnight, in a slight homage to ‘Thought for the Day’ on BBC Radio 4.

You will get something completely different every time. The topics range widely – from Annunciations to orgasms. You can see a short video of me standing on my head or read many a think piece about day-to-day matters, such as travel time.

And why do I write this? Because it is fun. You still want to have fun when you are 82!

Do take a moment to read and, if you like what you see, do subscribe, comment and share whenever you feel moved to do so.

If you pay, the money will go to Shelter from the Storm, a charity for the homeless in London. All subscribers, free or paid, get the same material.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to The Granny Who Stands on her Head

my thoughts about living and dying and everything in-between


I have spent a lifetime thinking about things and feel it's only natural to write my thoughts down. The best of these become my Substack posts. My most recent book is about why I like being old: The Granny Who Stands on her Head.